#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
#> object 'type_sum.accel' not found
Word OMNI Template
Creating a New Report
After you have installed the package, you will have access to a new custom RMarkdown template.
You can create a new RMarkdown document that uses the OMNI template in the same way you’d normally make a new RMarkdown document: go to File > New File > RMarkdown > OMNI Word Template.
Executive Summary
There is an Executive Summary section. If you want to have an Executive Summary, please change the content here. Please note that the {-} at the end of the headers in that section serves an important purpose: it makes those headers not show up in the Table of Contents.
You’ll also see some HTML above
(<div class="exec-summary">
) and below
) the Executive Summary. This ensures all the
styling works for that section. Please leave it.
Figures, Charts, and Tables
You’ll need to make sure you add titles to all figures, charts, and
tables. To do so, use the fig.cap
chunk option. You’ll also
need to include a special bit of code to help the template know whether
the code chunk is producing a figure, chart, or table (and thus label
and number it correctly). To do for a figure, for example, you’d add
to your code chunk. You
substitute “Chart” or “Table” as appropriate in other code chunks. There
are examples of each in the default content of the RMarkdown