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#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found

General OMNI Template

Creating a New Report

After you have installed the package, you will have access to a new custom RMarkdown template.

Option 1

You can create a new RMarkdown document that uses the OMNI template in the same way you’d normally make a new RMarkdown document: go to File > New File > RMarkdown.

Option 2

Just load the omni package using library(omni) and then type new_omni_report(). By default, this function creates a new RMarkdown document called report.Rmd, but you can change this to anything you want. You can also enter an argument in the function to change it that way. For example, type new_omni_report("snazzy-report") and you’ll get an RMarkdown file called snazzy-report.Rmd. Once you’ve created a new project, look in the bottom right pane for your new RMarkdown document.


When you knit your report, RStudio will create both an HTML and PDF version of your report.


When you create a new RMarkdown document you’ll see that there are a bunch of custom fields in the YAML. Please fill them out.

When you knit your document, these fields are used to populate the first non-cover page of the report.

There is a bunch of other stuff in the YAML that may look confusing to you. Please just leave it so everything works correctly!

Executive Summary

There is an Executive Summary section. If you want to have an Executive Summary, please change the content here. Please note that the {-} at the end of the headers in that section serves an important purpose: it makes those headers not show up in the Table of Contents.

You’ll also see some HTML above (<div class="exec-summary">) and below (</div>) the Executive Summary. This ensures all the styling works for that section. Please leave it.

Figures, Charts, and Tables

You’ll need to make sure you add titles to all figures, charts, and tables. To do so, use the fig.cap chunk option. You’ll also need to include a special bit of code to help the template know whether the code chunk is producing a figure, chart, or table (and thus label and number it correctly). To do for a figure, for example, you’d add out.extra='data-prefix="Figure"' to your code chunk. You substitute “Chart” or “Table” as appropriate in other code chunks. There are examples of each in the default content of the RMarkdown template.

Pull Quotes and Information Call-Outs

To add a pull quote, you need to add a bit of HTML code. You start with <aside>, add whatever text you want, and end the pull quote with </aside>. If you want to add an author, follow the template below (which is also in the RMarkdown template).

You’ll end up with this:

Information call-outs are handled quite similarly.

You start with a special type of aside tag: <aside class = "info-callout">.

You need to use the following format for the title: <p class="info-callout-title">Information call-out</p>

Then add any content before using </aside> to finish this section.

Your information call-out will look like this:

Other templates

There is also a simple report template and a cleaning and analysis report template built into the package. You can access them using the new_omni_report() function. You’ll need to use the type_of_report argument and enter either “Simple Report” or “Cleaning” to get the associated template.

new_omni_report(type_of_report = "Cleaning")